Welcome to Miss Rodeo Missouri!

Who is Miss Rodeo Missouri?

Miss Rodeo Missouri is a young woman with a passion for the sport of rodeo and the rich western heritage of its origins. Her year as a titleholder is spent traversing the continental U.S. while representing professional rodeo and personifying cowgirl qualities that have withstood the test of time: hard work and determination coupled with a thorough understanding of agriculture, equine sciences, and current events. She acts as a liaison for a sport, and a way of life, that is quintessentially American.

Every year since the program’s inception in 1966, a new Miss Rodeo Missouri has been selected from among her peers based on her horsemanship skills, speaking abilities, personality, knowledge, and appearance. The Miss Rodeo Missouri Pageant strives to elevate young women by promoting education and fostering a strong sense of empowerment. Each titleholder makes valuable connections and undergoes unparalleled personal growth during her reign; the culmination of her year is competing in the bright lights of the Miss Rodeo America Pageant in Las Vegas, Nevada. The overall experience builds a strong foundation and many young women who have held the title of Miss Rodeo Missouri credit the program with successes they achieved later in life.


Want to become a member of the Miss Rodeo Missouri Association?
As a Member you may serve on committees and the Board of Directors.